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oeli 0.7.1

  • Allowed for zero-dimension edge cases in cov_to_chol() and chol_to_cov().

  • Added function map_indices() that maps indices from an input vector to corresponding sequences of grouped indices.

  • Added function M() for taking differences such that the resulting vector is negative.

  • Removed function renv_development_packages() and argument use_logo in package_logo() to get rid of dependency to usethis package.

  • Extended input_check_response() to allow for multiple alternative checking criteria.

oeli 0.7.0

CRAN release: 2024-10-16

oeli 0.6.0

CRAN release: 2024-09-17

  • Added function quiet() to silence expressions.

  • Added functions dtnorm() and dttnorm() to calculate the density of a (two-sided) truncated normal distribution.

  • Added function correlated_regressors() to simulate correlated regressor values.

  • Improved documentation.

  • Removed functions check_date() and find_closest_year() (too special, only needed for fHMM package).

oeli 0.5.2

CRAN release: 2024-06-19

oeli 0.5.1

  • Added function vector_occurrence() to find the positions of first or last occurrence of unique vector elements.

oeli 0.5.0

CRAN release: 2024-05-22

oeli 0.4.1

CRAN release: 2024-02-24

  • Removed HMM code and plot_sequence() function (both do not really fit in this package).

  • Added more vignettes to illustrate use cases.

oeli 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2024-02-04

oeli 0.3.2

CRAN release: 2024-01-14

oeli 0.3.1

CRAN release: 2023-12-08

oeli 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2023-12-02

  • Added function check_date() which checks if the input has the correct date format.

  • Added function find_closest_year() which finds the closest year to a given date.

  • Added function match_numerics() which matches the indices of two numeric vectors as good as possible (that means with the smallest possible sum of deviations).

  • Added function simulate_markov_chain() which simulates a Markov chain.

  • Added function sample_transition_probability_matrix() which samples a transition probability matrix.

  • Added functions test_covariance_matrix(), test_correlation_matrix(), test_transition_probability_matrix(), and test_probability_vector() (which are the “test” version of the corresponding “assert” functions).

  • Added argument tolerance for covariance matrix, correlation matrix, transition probability matrix, and probability vector check functions to account for machine epsilon and avoid false positives.

  • Added functions ll_hmm() and simulate_hmm() to compute log-likelihood and simulate data from hidden Markov model.

  • Added argument on_time_out to function timed() that defines what action to take if the evaluation time exceeded (error, warning, or silent).

  • Added support to select identifier = "all" in Index object and to suppress warnings (if unknown identifiers were selected) (globally) via the $hide_warnings field.

  • Added argument logical to Index object to combine multiple identifiers either with logical and or logical or.

  • Added function unexpected_error() that handles an unknown error.

  • Added function group_data_frame() that groups a data.frame according to the values of a column.

  • Added function delete_data_frame_columns() that deletes columns of a data.frame.

  • Added function renv_development_packages() that creates a file that loads development packages so that renv can detect and write them to the lockfile.

  • Added function plot_sequence() that plots a sequence of numbers.

  • Renamed Index -> Storage.

  • Initialized a package website with pkgdown and started to add vignettes.

oeli 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2023-11-03

  • Added function timed() which evaluates an expression and interrupts the evaluation after a defined amount of seconds.

  • Added function do.call_timed() which measures the computation time of a call.

  • Added function try_silent() which tries to execute an expression and returns a string with the error message if the execution failed.

  • Added R6 object Index that provides a simple indexing interface for list elements.

  • Modified basic_package_sticker(): Option to add brackets to package name, now scales font, the function is no longer exported.

  • Added function function_body() which extracts the body of a function.

  • Added function permutation() which creates all permutations of a given vector.

  • Added function variable_name() which tries to determine the name of a variable passed to a function.

  • Added function function_defaults() which returns the default function arguments.

  • Added R6 object Dictionary that provides a simple simple key-value interface.

  • Added function merge_lists() which merges lists based on their element names.

  • Renamed arguments in function timed(): expr -> expression, secs -> seconds.

  • Added argument units to function do.call_timed().

oeli 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2023-10-23

  • Initial CRAN submission.