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This function fits a HMM to fHMM_data via numerical likelihood maximization.


fit_model(data, ncluster = 1, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE, init = NULL)



An object of class fHMM_data.


Set the number of clusters for parallelization. By default, ncluster = 1.


Set a seed for the sampling of initial values. No seed by default.


Set to TRUE to print progress messages.


Optionally an object of class parUncon for initialization. This can for example be the estimate of a previously fitted model model, i.e. the element model$estimate. The initial values are computed via replicate(n, jitter(init, amount = 1), simplify = FALSE), where n <- data$controls$fit$runs.


An object of class fHMM_model.


The function is parallelized if ncluster > 1.


### 2-state HMM with normal distributions

# define model
controls <- set_controls(states = 2, sdds = "normal", horizon = 100, runs = 20)

# define parameters
parameters <- fHMM_parameters(controls, mu = c(-1, 1), seed = 1)

# sample data
data <- prepare_data(controls, true_parameter = parameters, seed = 1)

# fit model
model <- fit_model(data, seed = 1)
#> Checking start values
#> Maximizing likelihood
#> Computing Hessian
#> Fitting completed

# inspect fit
#> Summary of fHMM model
#>   simulated hierarchy        LL     AIC     BIC
#> 1      TRUE     FALSE -62.46398 136.928 152.559
#> State-dependent distributions:
#> normal() 
#> Estimates:
#>                 lb estimate      ub    true
#> Gamma_2.1  0.07189   0.1360  0.2423  0.1632
#> Gamma_1.2  0.14611   0.2643  0.4299  0.3116
#> mu_1      -1.01493  -0.9813 -0.9477 -1.0000
#> mu_2       0.91994   1.0404  1.1609  1.0000
#> sigma_1    0.08027   0.1015  0.1283  0.1008
#> sigma_2    0.41670   0.4953  0.5887  0.6008
plot(model, "sdds")

# decode states
model <- decode_states(model)
#> Decoded states

# predict
predict(model, ahead = 5)
#>   state_1 state_2       lb estimate      ub
#> 1 0.13598 0.86402  0.03891  0.76552 1.49212
#> 2 0.21754 0.78246 -0.07314  0.60063 1.27441
#> 3 0.26645 0.73355 -0.14035  0.50174 1.14383
#> 4 0.29579 0.70421 -0.18066  0.44243 1.06551
#> 5 0.31339 0.68661 -0.20483  0.40685 1.01854