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This function computes the WAIC value of an RprobitB_fit object.





An object of class RprobitB_fit.


A numeric, the WAIC value, with the following attributes:

  • se_waic, the standard error of the WAIC value,

  • lppd, the log pointwise predictive density,

  • p_waic, the effective number of parameters,

  • p_waic_vec, the vector of summands of p_waic,

  • p_si, the output of compute_p_si.


WAIC is short for Widely Applicable (or Watanabe-Akaike) Information Criterion. As for AIC and BIC, the smaller the WAIC value the better the model. Its definition is $$WAIC = -2 \cdot lppd + 2 \cdot p_{WAIC},$$ where \(lppd\) stands for log pointwise predictive density and \(p_{WAIC}\) is a penalty term proportional to the variance in the posterior distribution that is sometimes called effective number of parameters. The \(lppd\) is approximated as follows. Let $$p_{is} = \Pr(y_i\mid \theta_s)$$ be the probability of observation \(y_i\) given the \(s\)th set \(\theta_s\) of parameter samples from the posterior. Then $$lppd = \sum_i \log S^{-1} \sum_s p_{si}.$$ The penalty term is computed as the sum over the variances in log-probability for each observation: $$p_{WAIC} = \sum_i V_{\theta} \left[ \log p_{si} \right].$$