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This function performs Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation for fitting different types of probit models (binary, multivariate, mixed, latent class, ordered, ranked) to discrete choice data.


  scale = "Sigma_1,1 := 1",
  R = 1000,
  B = R/2,
  Q = 1,
  print_progress = getOption("RprobitB_progress"),
  prior = NULL,
  latent_classes = NULL,
  seed = NULL,
  fixed_parameter = list()



An object of class RprobitB_data.


A character which determines the utility scale. It is of the form <parameter> := <value>, where <parameter> is either the name of a fixed effect or Sigma_<j>,<j> for the <j>th diagonal element of Sigma, and <value> is the value of the fixed parameter.


The number of iterations of the Gibbs sampler.


The length of the burn-in period, i.e. a non-negative number of samples to be discarded.


The thinning factor for the Gibbs samples, i.e. only every Qth sample is kept.


A boolean, determining whether to print the Gibbs sampler progress and the estimated remaining computation time.


A named list of parameters for the prior distributions. See the documentation of check_prior for details about which parameters can be specified.


Either NULL (for no latent classes) or a list of parameters specifying the number of latent classes and their updating scheme:

  • C: The fixed number (greater or equal 1) of latent classes, which is set to 1 per default. If either weight_update = TRUE or dp_update = TRUE (i.e. if classes are updated), C equals the initial number of latent classes.

  • weight_update: A boolean, set to TRUE to weight-based update the latent classes. See ... for details.

  • dp_update: A boolean, set to TRUE to update the latent classes based on a Dirichlet process. See ... for details.

  • Cmax: The maximum number of latent classes.

  • buffer: The number of iterations to wait before a next weight-based update of the latent classes.

  • epsmin: The threshold weight (between 0 and 1) for removing a latent class in the weight-based updating scheme.

  • epsmax: The threshold weight (between 0 and 1) for splitting a latent class in the weight-based updating scheme.

  • distmin: The (non-negative) threshold in class mean difference for joining two latent classes in the weight-based updating scheme.


Set a seed for the Gibbs sampling.


Optionally specify a named list with fixed parameter values for alpha, C, s, b, Omega, Sigma, Sigma_full, beta, z, or d for the simulation. See the vignette on model definition for definitions of these variables.


An object of class RprobitB_fit.


See the vignette on model fitting for more details.

See also


data <- simulate_choices(
  form = choice ~ var | 0, N = 100, T = 10, J = 3, seed = 1
model <- fit_model(data = data, R = 1000, seed = 1)
#> Computing sufficient statistics - 0 of 4  

#> Computing sufficient statistics - 1 of 4  

#> Computing sufficient statistics - 2 of 4  

#> Computing sufficient statistics - 3 of 4  

#> Computing sufficient statistics - 4 of 4  

#> MCMC iteration - 1 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 10 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 20 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 30 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 40 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 50 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 60 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 70 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 80 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 90 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 100 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 110 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 120 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 130 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 140 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 150 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 160 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 170 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 180 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 190 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 200 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 210 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 220 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 230 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 240 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 250 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 260 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 270 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 280 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 290 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 300 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 310 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 320 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 330 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 340 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 350 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 360 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 370 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 380 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 390 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 400 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 410 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 420 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 430 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 440 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 450 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 460 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 470 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 480 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 490 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 500 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 510 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 520 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 530 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 540 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 550 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 560 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 570 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 580 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 590 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 600 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 610 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 620 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 630 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 640 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 650 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 660 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 670 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 680 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 690 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 700 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 710 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 720 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 730 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 740 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 750 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 760 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 770 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 780 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 790 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 800 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 810 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 820 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 830 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 840 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 850 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 860 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 870 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 880 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 890 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 900 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 910 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 920 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 930 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 940 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 950 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 960 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 970 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 980 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 990 of 1000  

#> MCMC iteration - 1000 of 1000  

#> Computing log-likelihood
#> Probit model
#> Formula: choice ~ var | 0 
#> R: 1000, B: 500, Q: 1
#> Level: Utility differences with respect to alternative 'C'.
#> Scale: Coefficient of the 1. error term variance fixed to 1.
#> Gibbs sample statistics
#>           true    mean      sd      R^
#>  alpha
#>      1   -0.94   -0.85    0.06    1.16
#>  Sigma
#>    1,1    1.00    1.00    0.00    1.00
#>    1,2   -0.42   -0.30    0.06    2.15
#>    2,2    0.27    0.19    0.04    1.62