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A pre-computed HHMM with monthly unemployment rate in the US on the coarse scale using 3 states and S&P 500 index data on the fine scale using 2 states from 1970 to 2020 for demonstration purpose.




An object of class fHMM_model.


The model was estimated via:

controls <- list(
  hierarchy = TRUE, states = c(3, 2),
  sdds = c("t", "t"), period = "m",
  data = list(
    file = list(unemp, spx),
    data_column = c("rate_diff", "Close"),
    date_column = c("date", "Date"),
    from = "1970-01-01", to = "2020-01-01",
    logreturns = c(FALSE, TRUE)
  fit = list(runs = 50, iterlim = 1000, gradtol = 1e-6, steptol = 1e-6)
controls <- set_controls(controls)
unemp_spx_data <- prepare_data(controls)
unemp_spx_model_3_2 <- fit_model(unemp_spx_data, seed = 1, ncluster = 10)
unemp_spx_model_3_2 <- decode_states(unemp_spx_model_3_2)
unemp_spx_model_3_2 <- compute_residuals(unemp_spx_model_3_2)
state_order <- matrix(c(3, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1), 3, 3)
unemp_spx_model_3_2 <- reorder_states(unemp_spx_model_3_2, state_order)